The procession: a journey of “relationship”

A much awaited religious event, full of a profound meaning of faith, sonship and devotion, is without a doubt the Procession of September 29th. The Statue and the Sword, carried through the streets of the City, characterize the ideal presence of the Archangel who “goes out” from the Grotto and…...

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The dress … of the Feast

You know, for a party you wear an elegant and beautiful dress, a dress worthy of the circumstance. The circumstance in question is the Solemnity of St. Michael the Archangel on September 29th: a liturgical feast that usually “attracts” thousands of faithful but which this year, falling on a Sunday,…...

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Protector of the City

The Celebration of September 28th officially inaugurates the Celebrations in honor of San Michele: a moment very much felt by the population as it is considered as the “intimate” meeting between the City and its Patron. The traditional offer of wax (better “of the candles”) on the part of the…...

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The beauty of being of God

“In a world of superficiality, in which pleasure is sought for pleasure and capricious hedonism, in a world where children are continually distracted by a thousand temptations and provocations, if a young person publicly chooses before the Church to want Jesus as the only one good of his life, one…...

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The September novena kicks off

On Thursday 19 September the novena of preparation for the Solemnity of St. Michael the Archangel will begin. Nine days characterized by prayer, meditation and ecclesiality. The program, in fact, provides for the solemn recital of the angelic Crown and the celebration of Holy Mass (with vespers) during which Mons.…...

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“The cunning of the heart”: the thought of Sunday

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time. One must not make easy compromises with money: one cannot become attached to it and serve the Lord. The factor of the Gospel parable is praised not because it is unjust, but because it is gifted. Man must use material goods as means, to be…...

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“Love for neighbor”: the thought of Sunday

Fifteenth Sunday of ordinary time. Love for God and neighbor is the essential Christian and the soul of the commandments. With the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus explains today who is next. Unlike the priest and the Levite, the Samaritan helps those in need: he does not ask who…...

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“Going to Jerusalem”: the thought of Sunday

We have returned to Ordinary Time, whose thirteenth Sunday we celebrate. Jesus is not made for the weak, but for the strong who know how to love. The following of Christ is not for those who get excited easily because it requires poverty, sacrifice and availability. It is not for…...

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The five “P”

On June 14, the Sanctuary of San Michele hosted the annual Clergy Sanctification Day. Commissioned by the late Mons. Michele Castoro, it represents an opportunity for the presbytery of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo to reflect on its ministry and to live moments of fraternity. During his homily,…...

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Cultural… white night

Monte Sant’Angelo is preparing to celebrate its two UNESCO awards: on 25 June the Lombard traces of the Sanctuary of the Archangel Michael and on 7 July the ancient beech forests of the Umbra Forest. 8 years have passed since the inclusion of the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in…...

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