
The five “P”

On June 14, the Sanctuary of San Michele hosted the annual Clergy Sanctification Day.

Commissioned by the late Mons. Michele Castoro, it represents an opportunity for the presbytery of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo to reflect on its ministry and to live moments of fraternity.

During his homily, the Archbishop Fr. Franco Moscone has indicated five points, five “pillars” on which the life of a priest must rest.

The 5 “P”: Prayer, Word, Forgiveness, Bread, Next.

If the priests are able to live with and for prayer, listening to the Word, in the awareness of having to ask for mercy and not only to bestow it sacramentally, if they will be able to make food for everyone and feel close, “then – yes! – they will be and we will be able to be Pastors who welcome, listen, guard, serve the holy people of God ».

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