On the morning of September 4th, in private form, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti also came to honor St. Michael.
Welcomed by the rector, the President of the Italian bishops visited the places, full of spirituality and history, of the sanctuary, then pausing in front of the effigy of the Archangel: here he prayed reciting the Angelus and repeating the words that his predecessor on the chair of Perugia, Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, that is Pope Leo XIII, turned to the Defender of God to defend the Church and the world from evil and the Evil One.
Today the world is mercilessly attacked by the evil of the pandemic: for this reason the Umbrian Archbishop has renewed his plea to the Heavenly Prince to intervene to eradicate it and cover with his wings all those who trust in him.
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