
Like San Michele, in defense of the people

After having fought the battle in heaven and after having defeated the evil forces, Saint Michael was placed by God in the custody of his people to guarantee a reassuring vigilance and, at the same time, a decisive indication towards the path of good.

These characteristics of the Archangel can be correctly summarized in the meritorious and necessary work of the Carabinieri, in all the specific tasks: from the repression of crimes, to the defense and surveillance of the territory, rather than to the safeguarding of the natural, fauna and landscape heritage.

General Arturo Guarino arrived at the Sanctuary on 15 September (in the photo, in a central position): a private visit during which the Head of the Control and Validation Service was able to discover the precious treasures of culture, history and art enclosed in the millenary walls of the Sacred Place and, above all, experience the extraordinary nature of the encounter with the Prince of the Heavenly Militias in his earthly home.

To the personal prayer was added the heartfelt entrustment of all the soldiers of the Meritorious, constantly engaged both nationally and in missions abroad.

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