
Easter Triduum: images

The Easter Triduum is the center of the liturgical year, the heart of the celebration of the mysteries of faith: a theological and liturgical compendium in which the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus are present.

In the Coena Domini of Holy Thursday the institution of the Eucharist was commemorated and, through the gesture of the washing of the feet, the priestly service: for this reason, according to a tradition imported from Poland, the presbyters present were given a white rose as a gift. , symbol of pure love, chaste and projected towards the eternal.

The Good Friday service “narrated”, with the words of the Passio, the via dolorosa of Christ, from his capture to crucifixion and death: a sign of profound contrition and gratitude was the gesture of adoration of the cross.

After the silence and darkness of the tomb, the solemn Easter Vigil was celebrated on the night of Holy Saturday, in which the bells and the song of the Allelujah announced the extraordinary event of the Resurrection of Jesus, Light of the world.

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