If the celebration of 28 September “dissociates” from the novena and already takes on the meaning of solemn eve, that of 30 has now become consolidated as the last offshoot of the Celebrations in honor of San Michele and as a moment of thanksgiving.
It is as if this appointment represented a last “recommendation” of the Prince of Angels to follow his teaching, in the joy nevertheless of having lived together days full of spirituality and prayer. On this occasion, so many citizens of Monte Sant’Angelo find themselves, numerous neighboring devotees who more often come to the Sacred Grotto, and all the employees, volunteers and collaborators of the Sanctuary: for their intentions and their needs are offered the Sacred Mysteries.
This year the Eucharist was attended by Mons. Giacomo Cirulli, Bishop of Teano – Calvi. The prelate, a native of Cerignola (Fg), is very attached to the Archangel and his city: he, in fact, is an exorcist and on several occasions has held conferences and meetings at the Sanctuary and at the Abbey of Santa Maria di Pulsano.
Quoting Saint Michael and the Angels, he has centered his own meditations on humility, “a fundamental virtue which, if practiced, leads us to understand God’s plan. The humble of the Lord are those who expect everything from Him and do not think, they do not choose, they do not act, except in the light of God’s will ».
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