
“The Armor of God”: the painting exhibition

On Sunday 25 September the exhibition “Armor of God” was inaugurated in the Atrium in front of the Chapel of Reconciliation.

The works, created by the artist Clara De Francesco, are inspired by the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, chapter 6.

A special importance was dedicated to colors: seven like those of the rainbow, seven like the Sacraments, seven like the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Each part is represented by an Angel wearing or holding a single piece of armor in his hands.

The Sword of the Spirit, with a red background color and in the shape of a cross; the breastplate of justice, on an orange background, where a balance and two rays emerge like those of the heart of Merciful Jesus; the mantle of prayer, with a yellow hue; the belt of truth, with a green background, on whose buckle is the Holy Face of Jesus Crucified; the shield of faith, blue; the shoes of zeal, indigo-colored, tied with gold laces that come from on high, that is, from God; the helmet of salvation, on a violet tone, with seven feathers reminiscent of the “feathers of St. Michael” used by penitent pilgrims on their sticks once they have been to the sanctuary.

The end of the path of the “Armor of God” ends with two paintings representing the Archangel Michael wearing the full dress.

At their feet there are two puppets, a woman and a man, dressed in armor, meaning that each of us, in the beauty and uniqueness of our nature and vocation, can wear the divine armor to face life. like a warrior of peace and joy.


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