In the Editorial of Michael 195, the Rector writes: «The ancient Sanctuary of San Michele, a place steeped in spirituality and history, has attracted faithful and pilgrims from all over the world for centuries. Since the beginning of its existence, within its thousand-year-old walls the meaning of the Jubilee has been realized, that is, the propitious occasion to renew the profound bond between Heaven and Earth and to give those who are disposed with a contrite and humble spirit the possibility of receiving forgiveness and mercy».
This ‘Jubilee vocation’ was officially attested both by the granting of the so-called “Angelic Pardon” in 1997, and by the Decree of the Archbishop of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo which recognizes the Sacred Grotto of St. Michael as a Jubilee Church for the entire Holy Year 2025.
As regulated by the norms of the Apostolic Penitentiary, in each Diocese there are places of pious visit, in which to acquire the Jubilee Indulgence, those designated by the Ordinary: pilgrims can obtain the spiritual gift (which offers total remission of the temporal punishment of sins already confessed) every time they visit them devoutly, honoring the usual spiritual practices of sacramental confession, participation in the Holy Mass, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff.
“The Indulgences – we also read in the Provision of Mons. Moscone – can be acquired with the works of mercy and penance indicated by the norms: participation in popular missions, spiritual exercises or training meetings on the texts of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prepared at parish or diocesan level; corporal and spiritual works of mercy; visits for an appropriate time to brothers who are in need or difficulty (the sick, prisoners, elderly people in solitude, disabled)”.
On Sunday 29 December, the Feast of the Holy Family, a solemn Eucharist, attended by all the priests of the City, the ecclesial communities and the civil and military authorities, officially inaugurated the Holy Year in our sanctuary. The very large participation in this event constituted a sort of first jubilee pilgrimage and revealed the beauty of being a large family of God.
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