Joy, prayer, participation, sonship, devotion, gratitude, faith: some of the numerous nouns that can define the Feast of the Archangel Michael and that, in the contents, can represent its legacy. During the novena the ecclesial communities of Monte Sant’Angelo and neighboring cities, together with the many faithful who came from…...
Be a sign of God!
On Saturday 22 September, the September novena was enriched with an exquisitely vocational meaning: the novice Pier Paolo Latini and the seminarian Jaroslaw Lechininski issued the first and renewed the second, their religious vows. A celebration of and in the family: the two young men have, in fact, promised God…...
Inauguration of the new pipe organ
The Shrine of the Archangel Michael is unanimously recognized as a wonderful and unique place in the world. For centuries the Sacred Grotto has welcomed thousands of pilgrims who, wishing for peace, mercy and forgiveness, experience the encounter with Jesus in the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, as well…...
Polish Peregrinatio: stage in Czestochowa
It is now 5 years that Poland is crossed by the Peregrinatio of the statue in copy of St. Michael: 670 parishes in all the Polish dioceses, 320 religious houses, schools, orphanages, hospitals and social assistance houses. A precious opportunity for the many faithful who have experienced the joy of…...
Priest’s Day of Sanctification
The Diocesan Day of Sanctification of Priests took place on June 15th. Also this year the ministers of God have accomplished their thanksgiving for the gift of the call before the altar of the Archangel Michael. Orphans of the Pastor Monsignor Michele Castoro, most recently disappeared, the presbyters of the…...
Father of the night
A program of cultural and artistic events linked to the history of the Micelic cult and of the City of Monte Sant’Angelo itself has been added to the program of religious and spiritual celebrations before the Feast of the Apparitions. In synergy with the city administration and other local authorities,…...